RotaKids is a new project for the club which started at the back end of my presidential year in 2023.  I met with Karen Ruthven from Norwich Blackfriars club who has proved more than generous in terms of support and time, with numerous visits to the embryonic club.

In September 2023 I presented to the school assembly and children were invited to write a letter of application.  In total there were some 18 applications for Trevor Nelson and myself to scrutinise.  Our link teacher, Annabelle Bolton helped us to whittle these down to ten who were selected across years 4,5 and 6.

Unfortunately, Annabelle had gone long-term sick by the time I returned from a holiday in Sri Lanka and my disappearance to Antarctica in January didn’t help the situation.

Since then, the club has gone from strength to strength and only one member has decided that it was not for them.  In the meantime, problems were compounded by the absence of Caroline Henry, school head on compassionate leave.  Her deputy, Catherine Mallett stepped into the breach and the club organised a successful non-uniform event whilst I was once again away on my travels.  This raised a total of £172.91, most of which was allocated to WaterAid.

The next project was a Cake Sale but this had to be pulled at the last minute as the children had failed to inform their parents whilst the school were also sketchy on the details.  This serves to underline the point that however enthusiastic the children are, little happens without the support of both parents and the school.

This setback prompted the club to organise an ice cream sale, which took place last Friday and due to the generosity of the Parents Association, who provided the ice creams, raised a healthy sum of £94.66.

Karen and I met with Catherine Mallett last week to discuss the future we learned that the school is unlikely to be able to offer a support teacher.  I volunteered to take on a full administrative role next year so that the school will always be fully informed of the club’s future plans.  There will be four children moving up to high school but those remaining now know the ropes and are ready to take on roles of responsibility.  We plan to have an assembly in September to recruit replacements and if I can manage to plan my holidays better, we should be able to organise a programme that covers the whole year.

Catherine Ogle (Executive Head) would like us to launch a club at Bawdeswell school next year and plans will be aired at next September’s business meeting.

Despite numerous setbacks, the club is doing well and can approach next year with confidence.  At the ice cream sale, I was told that there will now be a link teacher so this should make life much easier for us.

Jim Fraser 15th July 2024


The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at

Next meeting

On 18 February we will be discussing future priorities and management of the club.

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 27 February..

Our Annual Quiz will be at Reepham High School on 28 February.  Bookings at