abox-lid-200pxThe 100 Club was set up to provide regular funds for the purchase of Aquaboxes. These are water treatment boxes which also contain essential survival items. Each box can treat 18000 litres of water to give a family or a community the most important requirement after a disaster. Disease from untreated water can often cause more death and illness than the original disaster.

In January 2023 we were able to send a further £1800 for the purchase of 12 Gold Boxes which hold water treatment and survival equipment for a family.  Aquaboxes have recently been sent to Pakistan, Yemen and Ukraine to help displaced families.  Because stocks of Aquaboxes and Shelter boxes are always kept ready for dispatch, these are often the first items that reach families in desperate need after a major disaster. Distribution is overseen by local rotary and charity partners.

To join the 100 club, contact organiser Paul Smith 100Club@reephamrotary.org.uk. Each ticket costs £2. Four winning tickets are drawn each month. All funds go to Aquabox which is run entirely by volunteers. See more at www.aquabox.org.



The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk.
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk

Next meeting

10 March we welcome Jess Bygrave who is leading community projects for the Bircham Centre. Guests are welcome to join us at 8pm. 

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 13 March.