When we have funds available we will be able to make grants to organisations in Reepham and surrounding villages.  These will be for a maximum of £500 for purchase of equipment or supplies to enable them to do their job. 

If you wish to apply for a grant, please read our guidance notes below and get in touch with Richard Cooke email grants@reephamrotary.org.uk or call 07889 036 852

terms for web


The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk.
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at reservations@reephamrotary.org.uk

Next meeting

There is no meeting on 17 March.  On 24 March we welcome Chris Crowther, Author and Aviator.

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 13 March.