News of meetings archived from the Home page.

21 December : 

The usual silliness of Boy’s Night had to be transferred to Zoom which put the mockers on the paper aeroplane challenge.  However Paul, our Master at Arms, came up with some suitably silly videos with essential technical support from John Tym. Other members chipped in with jokes and stories and some suitable fines were imposed.

14 December : 

This was our Christmas with partners – but eating and drinking at home. On Zoom there were some festive costumes and a good turnout – lovely to see everyone.  Trevor and Hazel entertained us with a fascinating quiz – closely fought but won by Lesley and Richard who will have a large bottle of wine for lock-down Christmas thanks to President Elect John.

7 December : 

We welcomed via Zoom Roz Adamson, a trustee of Aquabox, a charity that we have supported for more than 20 years. Rotary-led Aquabox ships water cleaning equipment to disaster areas around the world to meet the first humanitarian need. Our regular contributions are funded by our 100 club which is open to all. Click here to find out more.

30 November : 

Another Rotary talk – this time from Marilyn Fitzgerald on microfinancing.  Amazing success has been achieved in supporting new small business in developing and developed countries.  This may be a good outlet for our funds and our talents – a subject for further exploration.

23 November : 

A Zoom business meeting for these strange times with look at last year’s audited accounts. Over £10,000 went to various local and international charities, but it may be difficult to do as much this year.  However we are able to send further funds to Aquabox emergency relief, Malaika Kids and our local Covid recovery fund. Time and vaccine programmes will dictate how soon we can get back to normal community activity.

16 November : 

Our Zoom meeting watched a presentation from Dr Michel Zaffran who is about to retire as head of the WHO Director of Polio Eradication. He praised the long involvement of Rotary around the world for contributions of over $2billion, countless man hours and government and industry lobbying. Today polio is found only in Pakistan and Afghanistan but work goes on to inoculate children to finish a long job.

9 November : 

We had Arthur’s delayed lecture on impressionist painters.  This time technology worked well and we had a fascinating tour of the great works between Constable and Picasso with lots of detail behind many well known paintings.

2 November : 

An informative presentation from Anglian Water prompted a lively discussion and some tricky questions for Amy – well handled and enjoyable. Sadly the technology cut off before she could be properly thanked.

26 October : 

Technical problems clouded the zoom meeting as Arthur’s broadband failed him – spookily just after he had mentioned the Hermitage in Russia.  Maybe that was the reason replacement videos would not play either. Arthur and the Impressionists will return.

The Reepham Rotary Recovery Initiative has passed £2,000 – well on its was to our initial target.  However we will keep going as there is going to be greater need for help in the coming months.

19 October : 

A fellowship meeting over Zoom. John Tym had found some historic film of the City of Norwich which brought out the age of members who could remember many of the events and places of the 1950s and 60s.

12 October : 

Rev Keith Rengert, our local Vicar joined us to talk about his work as a chaplain – particularly to the East of England Ambulance Service and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.  He is also chaplain to Reepham High School and College with which we have close links.

5 October : 

Once again George made us think.  This time on genetic modification: the whys, hows, benefits and consequences.  A lot to ponder for the future. No doubt many debates carried on after his zoom presentation.

28 September : 

We got through a lot in our business meeting. Finally released grant to EACH for children’s play equipment; sorting a Christmas tree for (suitably distanced) erection in the market place; and funds for for the Reepham Rotary Recovery Initiative. Minutes will be in the members’ area soon.

21 September : 

We heard from Kate King at Reepham Primary School about help needed with outdoor learning.  We are hoping to provide some wise hands to supervise simple tool work, den building and nature study.  It will be good to find some things we can safely do in these difficult times.

14 September : 

Thanks to George Forster we now know more than Darwin did about evolution. Having learnt the science behind the epigenome we may now have to have a serious ethical debate about genetics.  This week we say ‘goodbye’ to Eileen and Terry Sutton who leave for their new life in Kent; we wish them well.


7 September : 

Our first meal together since the beginning of March – well arranged and suitably distanced. Good to be back with Avril and thanks again to Micheal Jones for use of the barn.  After discussion we will alternate between similar meetings and use of zoom for those who prefer to avoid contact.

24 August : 

We met for a socially distanced, well sanitised drink in the Jones’ Farm Barn.   Great to be back in proper contact – although more difficult to mute people.  Agreed it worked so well as a venue that will have a meal in a fortnight’s time. Thank to Michael Jones and Robert Briggs for organising.

17 August : 

An efficient business meeting on Zoom saw us sort out some future fund raising plans. We also agreed some new plans for meeting up from time to time – safely and suitable spaced. Minutes will be in the members’ area soon.

10 August : 

Our first face to face meeting – or mask to mask with distance. Thanks to Peter Underwood for use of wide open space at the garden centre.  15 members met for beer and catch up – and all sorts of plans for future meetings.

3 August : 

So now we know our chasubles from our thuribles. Ven Arthur Hawes took us through the many features and artifacts to be found in cathedrals and churches.  The examples ranged from St Mark’s, Venice to St Andrew, Thurning in a fascinating talk.

27 July : 

Clare and Mike Coote joined us to talk about their work with Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.  They are involved in training dogs and spreading the word about the charity.  They were ably assisted by Watson, a dog in training who behaved impeccably except, quite reasonably, when a cat was about.

24 July : 

The Club has sent £5000 to East Anglian Children’s Hospices to pay from scrubs and other PPE equipment at the three hospices. Rotarian Roy Sherlock arranged for a grant from the Rotary International Disaster Relief Fund. See more here.


20 July : 

Architect Ian Malton took us through the design and planning for a new hotel he is working on in Norwich.  The challenges of developing an existing building in a mediaeval city were set out in a fascinating talk.

13 July : 

A business meeting with a lot to think about. We are trying to work out how we can safely meet again and enjoy each others’ company.  Plenty of plans for helping our community as soon as we can, with a major fund raising drive for EACH and new schools projects in Reepham. George Forster volunteered as our first Environmental Officer.

6 July : 

An evening of fellowship with some interesting discussions: Can Ian & Lin survive the camper van?  Are there safe ways for us to meet up in the near future – perhaps al fresco? Can we find some more speakers of interest?

29 June : 

Our virtual charter night on Zoom.  Attendance a bit diminished by illness and password confusion but good to see many partners joining in for a drink and a chat.    Excellent quiz thanks to Trevor, won by brainy Jim, was followed by some jokes of variable quality.  Tony Williams handed over to Tony Williams for another year (we live in strange times).  Paul as Master at Arms handed out some well deserved fines to various miscreants.

22 June : 

George Forster bamboozled us with 20 minutes to the edge of the universe, a brief history of creation and the amazing dimensions of particles and outer space. How small we are.

15 June : 

We welcomed Assistant District Governor Philip Hunt to our Club Assembly. President Tony Williams and committee chairs took us through plans for the year ahead. Necessarily much that is planned is uncertain. However there are many good ideas for community involvement and fund raising.  Reports are in the members’ area.  More public news as ideas develop.

8 June : 

Arthur talked to us about the emergence and history of Romanesque architecture (which we called Norman) with many splendid examples and much informed commentary.

1 June : 

Richard Cooke talked about his experience of tracing his ancestors and listed the main sources and how to find them.  His researches had thrown up some unexpected family skeletons but no great riches.

25 May : 

An evening of fellowship – with numbers limited by the bank holiday. Made it easier to catch up on news in the Zoom format.

18 May : 

A zoom business meeting efficiently conducted. We agreed where our latest round of charitable donations should go, although future fundraising will be difficult until we and others can gather. Papers on constitutional changes are in the members’ area.

11 May : 

Toby James, Professor of Politics and and Public Policy at UEA returned (via Zoom) to discuss the potential impact of Covid 19 on the future of democracy. An interesting (if somewhat worrying) talk with a lot of questions and opinions afterwards. 25 members and guests with some partners enjoyed an informative evening.

4 May : 

Roy Sherlock entertained us with the wartime exploits of his father-in-law Neil Stebbings. With a fascinating amount of detail, Roy took us through his training as a fighter pilot, service in North Africa and shooting down. There wasn’t time to go through his prison time, ending up at Stalag Luft III. Hopefully another talk in the future.

27 April : 

Our on-line AGM attended by most members – with added live voting.  Papers are in the members’ area and will be joined by the minutes soon.  In view of unusual times and John Pickering’s current workload we are deferring presidential handover for a year.  Tony Williams has kindly agreed to serve for a further year to give him a chance to complete more of his planned projects.

20 April : 

Our first outside speaker on Zoom – and everything worked well.  Katie Pountain from UEA updated us on the prostate diagnostic programme to which we are contributing funds. With the original ‘Tiger Test’ and new ideas, they are well on track to better distinguish between those conditions that need treatment and those that are better left alone.  It was also impressive to hear the way that UEA has reacted and diverted resources to combat Covid 19 – from research skills and laboratory facilities to providing accommodation for front line staff from the N&NUH.

13 April : 

Another interesting Zoom meeting with nineteen members – even though we would not normally meet on a Bank Holiday – but these are strange times. An interesting discussion about how Zoom works with some members learning how to change their background pictures. We trust that online behaviour will be better when we have a guest speaker next week.  Otherwise interesting discussion on wind farms and solar power – we really should be running the country.

6 April : 

Some 24 members again for a Zoom meeting – good to be in touch. A short quiz tested a few brains and then Jim gave us a geographer’s view of the worldwide statistics on Covid 19. Sometimes the more you look at statistics the more confused you become, but Jim made sense of it for us.

30 March : 

Excellent attendance via Zoom again – 24 members counted.  Hopefully others will join.  George Forster gave an illuminating presentation on viruses – so we all know a great deal more about what we are facing.  The on-line raffle worked well too.  President Tony and team are now working on a programme to last us through the isolation period.  It’s very good to be in touch.

23 March : 

First online meeting with Zoom. Ably set up by John Tym.  A good deal of hilarity but it worked and so good to see friends when we cannot meet.  19 attendance not at all bad. This will become regular we are sure while we all lock done in the public interest.

20 March : 

It is now apparent that our regular Monday meetings are no longer feasible. The Council will review this decision on a month by month basis.  Instead we will be attempting virtual meetings using ZOOM. We will report on the success of this.

16 March : 

A sad business meeting as the Corvid 19 virus will potentially put paid to much of our programme of meetings and work in the community. Meetings will continue while enough members wish – the cut off for apologies will be brought forward to the Thursday night.

The Food Festival Committee have taken the decision to postpone the next event to 30 May 2021. All sponsors and stallholders are being contacted.  See the full statement here.

Peter Williams presented plans for the Sunshine Cafe for Dementia sufferers and their carers.  Members agreed that this is a thoroughly worthwhile project. Inevitably there will now be delays but planning will continue. Members can see plans with their documents.

9 March : 

Deborah and Sarah from the Wymondham Dementia Support Group came to tell us about their valuable work and the progress they have made after six years.  This will help greatly and inform our plans as we look at what can be done to support dementia sufferers and their carers in Reepham.

2 March : 

Scott McKay told us about the work of the Norfolk Fostering & Adoption Service, recruiting carers for Norfolk youngsters.

24 February : 

Good to introduce more friends from Reepham to our club.  Non members are always welcome to meetings of interest and to help with our community projects.

21 February : 

Many thanks to all who enjoyed our annual Quiz and Chips. A keenly fought contest raised £650 for our charities.

18 February : 

Inspirational presentation from Joh Drake about the work of Musalaha – working for reconciliation and peace in the Middle East.  We learnt about ways of bringing people together and teaching them more about each other to reduce tension.

14 February : 

Very sorry to record the death of Steve Catchpole – long time member and friend of all.  A great Rotarian who has done much for many over the years. A long illness bravely borne.  Our thoughts are with Patsy, Zoe, Gary and the family.

10 February : 
3 February : 

We heard about the work of Juventas who support young people into independent living. With a strong emphasis on education they help young adults leaving care and unaccompanied asylum seekers towards becoming confident citizens.  The urgent need is for old laptops and tablets to help with learning and training.

27 January : 

Much fun with Haggis, Piper and ethnic dress – some authentic, some not.  Excellent funny stories  from Cliff and Paul and thanks to Chris, Tony and Roy for completing the formalities – and to Andy for catching and serving haggis.

21 January : 

Robert Briggs told us about the charming dictator Qin She Huang of China whose 200BC mausoleum contained the Terracotta Army.

13 January : 

An evening of fellowship agreed Peter Williams investigation of an exciting new idea and some further discussion about future Club strategy.

6 January : 

An efficient business meeting.  A team has been formed to look at future strategy for the club.  All members are invited to contribute.

17 December : 

Once again an excellent Christmas dinner enjoyed by members and partners. Thank you Avril and team for a thoroughly enjoyable meal and Jane for playing carols for us to sing along.  See you all in the New Year.

9 December : 

Thanks to Master at Arms Paul we amused ourselves with quizzes and challenges.  The ultimate paper aeroplane challenge won by Robert Buxton.

2 December : 

We agreed on the acceptability of increasing taxation to tackle climate change, but we doubted whether our politicians had the wit to do anything about it.

25 November : 

An enjoyable fellowship evening with a debate about the value of royalty best not recorded.

19 November : 

Our business meeting agreed to proceed with the Reepham Food Festival in 2020. Full minutes will be in the members’ area.

14 November : 

Rob Briggs and Roy Sherlock raised £2600 sleeping rough in Norwich on Thursday 14 November in support of The Benjamin Foundation see more.

12 November : 

Judith Blackman; Head of the Norfolk & Suffolk Probation Service gave us an excellent talk on the background and work of the Service and potential future development. The many questions from members were a good indication of the depth and quality of the talk.

11 November : 

Robin Baines from Wroxam Rotary came to discuss how we feed the world in future. Some challenging thoughts – including eliminating the 30% waste on the global food chain to feed 10 billion more people.

4 November : 

Baroness Hazel Byford told us more about the work of the House of Lords (and they do quite a lot). Many thanks for a fascinating evening.

28 October : 

We welcomed Aliona Derrett from the Norfolk Deaf Association to tell us about their much needed work with the hard of hearing.

21 October : 

Local author Chris Armstrong returned to give us some insights from his latest book – Scholars; Saints and Sinners. What the clergy of Norfolk got up to in the past makes fascinating reading.

14 October : 

Chris Elliott from the Benjamin Foundation; one of our chosen charities; came to update us on progress. Our contributions are directed specifically at the help for young carers which no longer has authority funding. More to go to this excellent charity and at least two Rotarians will be sponsored for their November sleep out to raise money and draw attention to homelessness.

7 October : 

We welcomed friends from Reepham to an open evening to see what we do. Lots of good ideas exchanged. Hopefully we can involve more interested parties in our programmes and projects.

30 September : 

A businesslike business meeting covered a lot of ground. Jim Fraser was elected as Vice President – to take over in 2020/21. Minutes will be in members’ area soon.

23 September : 

Ian Elliot from our Rotary District kindly came to explain how other Rotary Clubs are successfully using social media. We will get better with our tweets and hashtags.

16 September : 

Member John Pickering explained electricity to the meeting. There will be questions later.

9 September : 

Sadly our scheduled speaker was ill so we had an impromptu discussion about publicising ourselves. Ideas ranged from more tweeting to a tree.

2 September : 

A fascinating visit to the Norwich Air Museum where we saw an enormous collection of artefacts from wartime and peacetime flying in Norfolk. Among the aircraft was a Jaguar once flown by past president Steve Griggs – one that he did not crash.

27 August : 

We were at the Aylsham Show running the Art Exhibition. Many visitors and lots sold in the heat. Good income expected for our charities. Thanks to all who helped. Financial results soon.

19 August : 

Our business meeting laid final plans for our Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show on 26 August. We also addressed ways of attracting new members and succession planning for officers. Minutes will be in the members’ area soon.

12 August : 

John Ford told us about the life and work of journalist and author Adrian Bell.

5 August : 

Daniel Nelson gave us a fascinating talk on future developments in air traffic control. As with all theses things; much more complicated than you would imagine.

29 July : 

We welcomed Norma and Rodney Howells to tell us about work with medical detection and assistance dogs – resulting in a small donation

22 July : 

A fellowship evening with a discussion about population.

13 July : 

A brilliant concert at Salle Church by the Tarantara Choir. Thank you very much to the choir and all the helpers.

8 July : 

A business meeting. Papers in the members area soon.

1 July : 

We visited Salle to look round the impressive walled gardens; courtesy of Sir John. We were well entertained at the Earle Arms afterwards.

24 June : 

Charter Night to celebrate the handover of the presidential reins from Steve to Tony. A much deserved Paul Harris award for David Baxter.

21 June : 

A splendid Golf Day organised by Arthur Hawes raised over £3000 for our charities. Thanks to all who took part and sponsored.

17 June : 

At Club Assembly; Tony set out his plans for the year and confirmed the team who will carry them out.

10 June : 

We heard from the team at UEA who are developing the Tiger Test; a new diagnosis to guide treatment of prostate cancer. This is President Tony’s charity for the year ahead.

3 June : 

Helen & Keith Rengert; our local priests; came to explain their plans for developing youth leaders. We are ready to help and look forward hearing more of their plans.

26 May : 

Another successful food festival with the help of many. All the details at the Food Festival website

20 May : 

A business meeting and AGM. Papers in the members area.

13 May : 

An evening of fellowship.

28 April : 

We celebrated our 30th anniversary with a service at Little Witchingham; led by Ven Arthur Hawes. This was followed by a splendid lunch at Michael Jones’ barn. Photos at JohnTym’s site

15 April : 

A fellowship evening. President Steve had unearthed some grainy video of members performing their music hall numbers some years ago. Best not repeated as we might not attract any new members.

8 April : 

Friends from Fakenham Rotary on their scatter night joined us to hear about progress at the Eves Hill Vegetable Project. Hannah Claxton and her team have made great strides in their community growing enterprise.

1 April : 

It was good to see Rotarian Mark Little after a gap of many years. Mark enlightened us on the evils of slavery – still practised around the world and the UK. Much food for thought and action.

25 March : 

We welcomed back Les West to tell us about his time as Steward of Worcester Cathedral – from King John and Prince Arthur to the visit of Queen Elizabeth II.

18 March : 

A businesslike meeting sorted out some useful essentials. Minutes are in the members’ area.

11 March : 

Chris Armstrong gave us a well-informed talk on the history of the independent department stories in Norfolk. There were wonderful anecdotes about some fascinating characters -for more detail we will have to buy his book.

4 March : 

A mixture of an evening; starting with an introduction to genetic engineering by George. A fascinating start but further explanation may be necessary. Also a welcome update from George on how Manesty is progressing. District Governor Steve also dropped in to bring us up to date with the world of Rotary.

25 February : 

A welcome return from Patrick Barkham who took us on a fascinating tour of the small islands of Britain as an introduction to his new book. As we contemplate casting ourselves adrift from the rest of the world it is good to know there is more to discover at home.

18 February : 

A cheery fellowship evening with excellent lasagna and an interesting debate prompted by President Steve. Many thanks to all who came to the Quiz & Chips – over £800 for our charities.

11 February : 

Geoffrey Smart gave us a fascinating talk on the search for truth. In this age of massive information overload how to we work out what is fact?

4 February : 

The Venerable Arthur regaled us with golfing stories and courses he has played. There seems to be a remarkable affinity between archdeacons and claret.

28 January : 

We caught up with excellent RHS Allotment Project with an informative presentation from Matt and Lily. Good to see the contribution that learning and fun are making to the school.

21 January : 

Burns Night – with excellent haggis from Avril and a real piper. Good to see so many members and partners joining in the frolics. John Tym’s photos here.

14 January : 

A fascinating job talk from George Forster about his work in science education around the world. We look forward to learning more about gene editing when we have our brains in gear.

7 January : 

We started the year with a business meeting – mostly about money. Costs keep going up and fund-raising is harder. Nevertheless treasurer Jim recorded £15k of donations to charities in 2017/8. Meeting minutes are in the members’ area.

17 December : 

Fun and frolics under the direction of the Master at Arms with Trevor’s challenging quiz and the inevitable paper aeroplane challenge – why do the ladies do so much better than the engineers? A good round up to a year of fellowship and community service.

10 December : 

Christmas Dinner with many welcome guests. Thanks again to Avril and team for an excellent meal. Thanks also to Hilary for accompanying carol singing.

3 December : 

It was good to welcome back Margaret and Stephen Callow. Margaret gave us an interesting preview of her new book about the largely forgotten Battle of North Walsham at the end of the Peasants Revolt in 1381. Of Wheat & War would make an excellent Christmas present.

26 November : 

Les West came to tell us about the Bircham Centre and their anniversary appeal. The Club will make a donation and look for other ways to help them raise their funds for renovation of the building.

5 November : 

Rotarian John Pickering explained what is going on with the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and his part in designing measurement systems. Minds were truly boggled.

29 October : 

An evening of fellowship and general discussion. Should we be on Facebook and Twitter? Watch this space for exciting developments.

22 October : 

Anthony Perry gave us an interesting talk on the life and background of Edith Cavell; executed in WW1 for helping allied soldiers escape from Belgium.

15 October : 

An enjoyable fellowship evening with short debate initiated by Peter Day. The conclusions cannot be discussed now; but the revolution starts here.

8 October : 

Sam James came to talk to us about Life Challenges and how we can help people; particularly the young. become more resilient.

7 October : 

Members were in the Reepham Market Square for the end of the Marriotts Way 10k with our charity Eating Matters. Good visibility for both of us.

1 October : 

An efficient business meeting heard of reduced success at the Aylsham Show due to declining attendance; plans for next year’s food festival and a round up of our many activities. Tony Cowells was reelected Secretary; Jim Fraser as Treasurer and John Pickering as Vice President.

29 September : 

We are sorry to report the death of Richard Hendry; a long time member of the Club. Richard is known to many through his work as a Funeral Director and as an expert of conservation building.

24 September : 

Ron MacArthur told us about the astronomical observatory at Reepham High School. The state of the art equipment has been built and adapted for use by students who join in with enthusiasm. We had a tour afterwards.

17 September : 

Simon Wright gave us an interesting insight into the life of an MP based on his five years of the coalition government. He then talked about his new role as chief of Nelson’s Journey an excellent charity supporting bereaved children in Norfolk.

10 September : 

Yolande Russell from our new charity came to tell us about their work. Eating Matters provides support and counselling to a growing number of sufferers. The incidence of eating disorders is on the increase and more work is always needed.

3 September : 

Dr Ian Rowe and his wife Sally came to tell us of their experiences supporting the Rotary polo eradication campaign in India. It was fascinating to have first hand information from this highly successful programme.

26 August : 

We welcomed many old friends to our art exhibition at the Aylsham Show. Thank you to all visitors and the members and partners who worked so hard to make the day a success. We are still counting the proceeds but expect to have a healthy return for our charities.

20 August : 

A new record for a short business meeting which set us up for the Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Agricultural Show.

13 August : 

We had a highly informative tour of the Salle Estate thanks to Sir John White and Manager Paul Hoveson. It was fascinating to see an agricultural enterprise at the cutting edge of modern arable management. The Earle Arms entertained us to an excellent buffet supper.

6 August : 

Professor Sue Fairweather-Tait explained the science of nutrition and tackled some common myths. We should now be better at seeing through food industry claims.

30 July : 

Ron Luton-Brown and Jo Tym took us through the detailed work they have been doing to trace the men and the families whose names occur on our WW1 memorials – a fascinating project which makes a splendid exhibition.

23 July : 

President Steve arranged an excellent afternoon of gliding at Tibenham which last week achieved the distinction of being the hottest place in the country. No doubt it was cooler for those circling high above the ground.

16 July : 

Our business meeting considered planning for the art exhibition at the Aylsham Show. All is on track for August 27. The meeting review the successful food festival and agreed to hold another event in May 2019. Minutes available soon.

9 July : 

Paul Beale from Reepham High School told us about their recent exchange visit to schools in China. It was fascinating to learn of the differences in education and lifestyle. RHS was selected by the Chinese as the best school in the UK with which to build a relationship. The school has been teaching Mandarin as part of its forward looking approach.

2 July : 

Steve’s first meeting as President was a convivial fellowship evening.

22 June : 

Charter Night saw Trevor hand over to our new president Steve Griggs. Cliff Harmer was presented with a well-deserved Paul Harris Award. A splendid meal was enjoyed by all. John Tym’s photographs of the night are here

18 June : 

We were joined by ADC Jonathan King as incoming President Steve Griggs presented his plans for the year ahead. More details elsewhere.

11 June : 

The petrol heads have returned from France. An entertaining fellowship meeting with a presidential debate about whether we should aim to be a cashless society. Penniless we thought possible – cashless not.

4 June : 

Chris Disspain gave us an authoritative talk on the history and structure of the internet – certainly opened some eyes as to how we got to where we are.

27 May : 

We held our food festival. Once again the weather was great; the chefs interesting; the stall holders well worth visiting and the crowds arrived. Thank you to all who took part. So we were too exhausted for a meeting on Monday.

21 May : 

We welcomed back Barbara Miller who has been our knowledgeable guide around the back streets of Norwich on many occasions. This evening she took us through the origins and history of the Norwich Shoe Trade -just fascinating.

14 May : 

Members made detailed plans for our Food Festival coming up on May 27. It’s going well

30 April : 

An excellent evening of bowling organised by Michael Jones and Cliff Harmer. The regular players were separated from the incompetent before a fine supper from Roundwood.

23 April : 

A productive and businesslike AGM smoothly conducted by President Trevor with budgets and policies put in place for next year with not too much debate. Papers are in the members area along with final agreed constitution and bylaws.

16 April : 

We welcomed Robin Wraight for a lively presentation of the workings and benefits of the Rotary Young Leaders Award. This is an affordable; week long residential course that produces distinct benefits in the development of young people from 18-26.

9 April : 

Rotarian Steve Griggs took us through the background to the decline in the British aviation industry from its once preeminent position. Good job there weren’t any old politicians at the meeting.

26 March : 

We had an evening of fellowship with an update on the imminent Reepham Food Festival. All seems on track and members took publicity materials to spread the word. Another raffle with virtual prizes. Members may start buying in with virtual money soon.

19 March : 

Our business meeting covered a lot of detailed ground with constitution and membership practices. We also agreed to support Reepham Scouts with their new telephone connection. Minutes are in the members’ area.

12 March : 

An evening of fellowship with a scientific quiz from President Trevor.

5 March : 

We welcomed back Graham Duncanson who entertained us with tales about his life as a vet around the world.

26 February : 

Sam Steggles came to tell us about farming in South Africa following his recent trip which we part sponsored. He has helped a small farmer with marketing ideas for his goats cheese and will be maintaining this link.

19 February : 

Steve Griggs led a debate about the benefits of legalising drug use. We thought it was a good idea but we don’t often get listened to.

16 February : 

Our annual Quiz & Chips was well attended and raised some £950 for our charities. Many thanks to all who arranged and took part.

12 February : 

We learned about Norfolk Blood Bikes from Chairman Colin Farrington who kindly stood in for a colleague. This worthwhile team of volunteers keep vital medical products moving out of hours; saving the NHS a lot of money.

5 February : 

Nigel Fielding reviewed an interesting career in front line policing and gave us a different insight into the Tony Martin case in which he was closely involved. Some minds were changed.

29 January : 

Emily Vincent told us about the work she will be doing in Uganda building playgrounds. The benefits of encouraging play seem well documented and we were delighted to contribute to Emily’s work.

22 January : 

Suitable Scottish silliness for Burns’ Night with a real piper and real haggis but some Norfolk poetry so we could understand it.

15 January : 

Matt Willer from Reepham High School came to update us with progress on their impressive allotment project. Members will be looking to see how we can help with their new projects.

9 January : 

We began the new year with a Business Meeting – suitably organised and efficient for an on-time finish. Minutes are in the members’ area.

18 December : 

A suitably silly night led by Paul Smith. President Trevor’s Quiz challenged us to distinguish between Dorset villages and American footballers (harder than you might think). Then we played word games; built towers out of balloons and sellotape and saw who could fly a paper aeroplane the furthest. Just the right evening for a mature bunch of adults.

11 December : 

Avril excelled herself with an excellent Christmas dinner enjoyed by all. Good to see so many members and partners in festive mood. Thanks also to Hilary for leading the carol singing.

4 December : 

John Pickering introduced a debate about nuclear power with some impressive facts and figures which bemused a few members. On balance members felt that the green lobby had prevented new research which might solve some of the future technical problems.

27 November : 

Robert Briggs reviewed some sobering facts about the impact of war related to places he had visited. Futility pretty much summed it up.

22 November : 

A businesslike meeting took some serious decisions. The Club looks in good order for the year ahead; with new members and lots going on. Minutes are in the members area.

13 November : 

Thank you to the movers and shakers of Reepham who joined us to look at plans for next year’s Reepham Food Festival. Some good ideas were generated and some good contacts made.

6 November : 

An interesting debate led by Arthur about the issues surrounding gender reassignment – quite a stretch from our normal discussions; but stimulating and thought provoking.

30 October : 

We had a ‘job talk’ by our newest member – John Mason – who showed us that accountancy is not as boring as you might think.

23 October : 

Dr Michael Price; well known to many in Reepham came to talk to us about his charity work with with TWAM – Tools With a Mission. This brilliant charity takes and refurbishes tools – anything from a chisel to a sewing machine – and sends them to African countries where they enable people to learn a craft and develop a business. Members will no doubt be clearing out their workshops and garages. Others can join in at

16 October : 

Susan Falch-Lovesey from Vatenfall came to tell us about the exciting potential of giant wind farms in the North Sea and the impact of bringing that electricity to the National Grid. She gave us a lot of information about their consultation plans which members will be able to follow as they develop.

9 October : 

Prof Ian Renfrew from UEA told us about his work in weather research. Members were impressed by the science that tells us whether we can mow the lawn tomorrow but some of us were mathematically challenged.

2 October : 

Our business meeting covered a lot of ground. We agreed to explore sending funds to the Caribbean to help with reconstruction. We elected Tony Williams as President for 2019/20. Minutes are in the members’ area.

25 September : 

We welcomed the Very Rev Jane Hedges; Dean of Norwich Cathedral. She explained the role of a Dean and her journey through many roles; including Westminster Abbey. We also welcomed two members from Sussex Vale Rotary.

18 September : 

Another of our interesting historical walks around Norwich – this time with a new guide; Jan King. It’s always fascinating to learn more about the places you see so often.

11 September : 

A fellowship evening of discussion and debate.

4 September : 

Chris Elliot of the Benjam Foundation came to tell us about the excellent work that they do with young people in the region. This is one of President Trevor’s charities for the year.

28 August : 

A lot of hard work and great weather contributed to a happy and profitable art exhibition at the Aylsham Show. Read more about it here.

21 August : 

Our business meeting finalised plans for the Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show on August 28. We also heard about progress with Food Festival; Primary School Gardens; Crocuses for polio and Malaika Kids; Dar es Salaam; Tanzania – a busy time. Minutes are in the members’ area.

14 August : 

We discussed how the Club might be able to help with refuges in case of a disaster. We then discussed the disaster in the White House and whether he should respond to North Korean threats in one of our strictly non-political debates.

7 August : 

We welcomed DG Robert Lovick who set out his plans for the year and answered a lot of questions about the UK Rotary organisation – but all seems well in Reepham.

31 July : 

We were joined by a team from Holt Rotary Club who were most welcome. Our speaker was Trevor Eady who took us through the business of the North Norfolk Railway and its steady growth.

17 July : 

Our Business meeting discussed new work with Reepham Primary School on assisting with reading and fulfilling their plans for a Japanese garden. We agreed to increase the number of purple crocuses for polio. Plans are in hand for the Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show and we agreed to arrange another Reepham Food Festival in 2018. Detailed minutes are in the members’ area.

10 July : 

Thanks to Presidents Trevor and Arthur we enjoyed a relaxing evening of Jazz on the Broads. Good food; a well stocked bar and plenty of conversation made for a very pleasant evening.

30 June : 

Our Charter Night was held at the Royal Norwich Golf Club with excellent food and convivial company. Wonderful to see many guests. The presidential reins were handed over to Trevor Nelson. John Tym’s photos are here

26 June : 

Catherine Ogle; Head Teacher at Reepham Primary School; told us about their long-standing links with a Japanese primary school and their plans to build a Japanese garden at Reepham. Members will be seeing how they can help over the summer. President Arthur inducted John Mason into the Club.

19 June : 

Club Assembly; Incoming President Trevor Nelson set out his plans for the year. We welcomed our Assistant DG who seemed to think we were doing alright. Members will find Trevor’s plans in their area of the site.

For older posts, please see the Archive Page

12 June: A fascinating evening with Martin Sixsmith was enjoyed by a good attendance.  Well deserved awards too: A Rotary Community Service Award to Canon Margaret Dean, our retiring Rector, and a Paul Harris fellowship to Rotarian Paul Smith.

9 June: Our annual golf tournament organised by Andrew Hadley.  Full news of winners soon.

28 May: Our first Reepham Food Festival. Lots of Rotarians and plenty of volunteers. See more news and photos soon at the Food Festival website.

22 May: David Hill talked to us about his experiences on one of our nuclear submarines – missing out the bits that could get him shot.  A fascinating presentation but few of us now fancy the job.

15 May: A business meeting to nail down last details of the Reepham Food Festival – all is going well.  We welcomed Charlie Hodson who is hosting the cookery demonstrations and has given us a lot of help with planning.

8 May: A week of ‘strenuous’ activity.  The walking team are striding through Dorset while most of the rest of us went bowling at Roundwood. Thank you to Michael Jones for organising a fun evening.

24 April: A fascinating talk by Luke Hawes about the work of PriestmanGoode in new designs for transport – from Chinese trains to American  airlines.

10 April: Our AGM and a businesslike Business Meeting.  Minutes are in the Members’ area.

3 April: Sarah Bunn told us more about the excellent work done by the Break charity – now in its 50th year looking after children with troubled backgrounds.  We were pleased to make a donation.

27 March: A fascinating look behind the scenes at Norwich Cathedral – everything from cushions to medieval screens – followed by an excellent meal in the refectory.  Many thanks to our hosts and all who helped.

20 March: A Business Meeting which saw us agreeing useful donations which will be reported on soon. Minutes will be in members’ area soon.

13 March: We welcomed DG Derek Rothwell and his wife on their marathon tour of Rotary Clubs. He was able to update us on the regional and national priorities of Rotary and discuss some difficult questions about national finances.

6 March: A fascinating talk from Chris Bell about weather forecasting and storm chasing. Unsurprisingly tornados are bigger in Texas – but it takes a particular kind of person to go chasing them.

3 March:  A highly successful Technology Tournament – more news follows shortly.

27 Feb: A fascinating evening at the Great Hospital on Norwich with an informative tour and an excellent meal.  Many thanks to hosts and organisers.

20 Feb: An evening of fellowship with discussion on our needs for the forthcoming Food Festival on 28 May

17 Feb: Many thanks to all who took part in our annual quiz – raising £720 for our charities. New winners this year. Some more training needed for the future.

13 Feb: Sue Chapman and Emma Chamberlain from Reepham Surgery told us about the work of a modern surgery. Members were urged to improve their health and report problems early. The Club was able to make a small contribution to the equipment needs of the surgery.

6 Feb: A pleasant evening of fellowship where we heard news of a successful Youth Speaks competition at the High School and plans for the Technology Tournament.

30 Jan: We heard about the Norwich MIND helpline and the valuable support they provide for people with mental health emergencies.  They are one of our charities of the year – and definitely value for money.  You can see more of their work here.

23 Jan:   We celebrated Burns Night in our own style with Norfolk Poetry, a Brummie address to the haggis and a proper piper.  And. of course, very tasty haggis and whisky.

16 Jan: In an enjoyable evening of fellowship we debated the future of the world after the US elections.  No one was optimistic but it’s best we don’t include details of the debate here.

9 Jan: After all the festivities we returned to a business meeting – very businesslike.  Minutes are in the members area along with full results of the survey of members.

19 December: Wonderful to see so many partners and guests for our Christmas dinner.  Avril excelled herself with wonderful food and Hilary led our community carol sing.  A great end to the year.

12 December: An evening of silly games for boys. Much fun.

5 December: A convivial evening of fellowship – with remarkably few recriminations about trees and lights.

3 December: Fun putting up Christmas tree again. Question from electrician: “Have you tested these lights”. Rotarian answer “They worked last year”.

28 November: A proper French evening with ‘allo ‘allo characters all over the place to welcome the Beaujolais Nouveau. Fine food, music and wine to get us into the mood.

21 November: A businesslike Business Meeting saw us agree to continue with the Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show and gave the final green light to the Reepham Food Festival. Members will find minutes in their own pages.

14 November: We heard from Jacqui Page from Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide, one of President Arthur’s charities for this year. You can find out more about this valuable charity and its work here. 

7 November: Unfortunately our planned speaker was unwell.  However, we had a pleasant evening of fellowship and discussion. Members discussed the US election and were relieved not to be involved.

31 October: Dr Ann Anka helped us to explore the ways that older people can be cared for in the future.  Many members had a vested interest, but it was fascinating to hear about solutions from South Korea and see what ideas that throws up for the future.

24 October: Emma and  Matthew Morral  took us into different aspects of working with patients with damaged brains. The presentation of two entirely different case studies was fascinating and informing.  It was good to have visiting friends as well as partners with us.

17 October: Our long-time Rotarian friend, Keith Tovey took us through the facts behind ‘fracking’ for natural gas. It could happen in Norfolk. He dismissed some of the scare stories and cast doubt on the claimed benefits and left us to make up our own minds – but with a great deal more information.

10 October: It was good to see so many guests from the town to hear about our plans for the Food Festival and contribute their own ideas.  Thank you to all who came and to Rotarians who helped with the evening.  Watch out for more Festival developments.

3 October: Our Business meeting got through a lot of important stuff.  Minutes are in the private area of the site.

26 September: Simon Cooper talked about a schools project for orphans in Tanzania which is beginning to tackle the enormous problems of many children.

19 September: We were entertained by part 2 of Arthur & Melanie’s cruising adventures. There may be a lot of hard work as a chaplain with Saga, but it looks a lot of fun as well. A very enjoyable evening – and thanks too to Andy our guest chef.

12 September: It was good to host a team from Swaffham Rotary – always welcome. We heard from Katy Jones about the excellent work done by the Mancroft Project with young people needing support.  Supporting a large team of counsellors and  support workers is a major operation. We hope that the Club will be able to help at some way in the future.

5 September: Thank you to Kellie and Rick Broadway for arranging an interesting tour of Reepham Fishery.  They already have done a lot of work to make a first class venue. Members now know where to go for a bit of peace and quiet. 

29 August: A massive Rotary turnout for the Aylsham Show. Thank you to all members and partners for their efforts – and to all our friends who came to visit us. The sun shone, there were crowds that we have not seen for years and we sold a lot of pictures, raffle tickets and teas. We will have more than £5000 to distribute to our charities.

22 August:  A businesslike business meeting – all ready for the Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show on Monday 29 August.  Do please come and see us.

15 August: Another fascinating evening discovering Norwich with Barbara Miller. It is amazing how much you can find out about your own City when someone knowledgeable tells you where to look.

8 August: Paul Martin from the Matthew Project came to update us on the activities of a very worthwhile charity and explain how our contributions have been used.  President Arthur handed over the contribution from the third year of our association with the Project. We were very pleased to hear that it goes from strength to strength.

7 August: We met for canoeing and barbecue at Eddie Rust-Andrew’s. Brilliant barbecue from Elaine and Cliff Harmer – but not a lot of canoeing done as members sat about in pleasant warmth.  Wonderful to see Eddie and Jill again.

1 August: Norma and Rodney Howell told us about the brilliant work being done by medical assistance and detection dogs.  The Club was pleased to send a contribution to the work of training and housing these dogs.  Members will find a more from Norma here.

25 July: Members and partners enjoyed a fascinating tour of the Bishop’s Garden in Norwich and an excellent dinner at the Great Hospital (highly recommended).  Many thanks to our hosts at both events.

18 July: Our Business Meeting discussed many topics, including the forthcoming Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show and the Reepham Food Festival.  Members can access documents in their area of the site.

11 July: Adrian Crotch told us about the workings of the Youth Enterprise Network.

2 July: We welcomed distinguished guests to our Charter Night at Stower Grange for fine food and excellent service.  Andrew Egerton-Smith  handed over the presidential reins to The Ven Arthur Hawes. John Tym’s photographs of the evening can be seen here.

27 June: Many thanks to President Andrew and Hilary for entertaining us all at their home. A tasty meal (thanks Avril) and a very convivial evening.

20 June: We welcomed our Assistant District Governor for our Club Assembly meeting where next president Arthur set out his plans for next year and the officers who will serve. Details in the members’ area.

19 June: Our static cycling for Prostate Cancer Support raised over £800.  Many thanks to our cyclists and to Bawdeswell Garden Centre for hosting the event and providing the hamper for the winner. Paul Savage correctly estimated that the three cycles would cover 319km in the day. More detail here.

6 June: Many thank to club members, friends and visitors who came to our 3rd Annual Golf Day at Costessey Park.  A good time had by all and over £3500 raised for our charities. Details here.

23 May: An entertaining evening of bowling, arranged by Michael Jones, showing off the varied skills of club members. Many thanks to Roundwood for an excellent supper.

16 May: Matt Willer from Reepham High School came to update us on his excellent allotment project for pupils.  The Club was pleased to give him a donation to help with his work.

9 May: Another of Paul’s excellent debates.  We agreed that Norfolk should have its own waste incinerator to generate power – but we did not get round to where it should be.

25 April:  Our AGM.  Much important business discussed along with news of officers for the year ahead. The minutes are in the members’ area.

18 April: Arthur and Mel delighted us with part 1 of their experiences as a chaplain to Saga Cruises.  Part 2 is eagerly awaited.

11 April:  Another of Paul’s carefully constructed debates about whether NHS treatment should be charged to those who cause their own problems.   Tricky.

4 April: We welcomed District Governor Dorothy Pulsford Harris with ADG Keith Tovey.  Dorothy told us about goings on in the wider world of Rotary.

21 March: Our business meeting covered useful ground.  Members will find the minutes in their area.

14 March: With too many members away our wine tasting had to be put off.  However Tony Williams stepped into the breach and entertained us with the story of his climb of Mount Kilimanjaro for The Big C.

11 March: The Club arranged a highly successful Technology Tournament at the Hewitt Academy in conjunction with other Norwich Clubs.  A full report will be posted shortly in Activities.

7 March: Since our planned visitor was unfortunately taken ill, we had one of our famous debates.  This one was about whether we should leave or remain in the EU (again).  We decided by a substantial majority that we should remain (again).

29 February: Matt Weller from Reepham High School came to tell us about an excellent project where students have constructed an allotment and are now beginning to produce their own vegetables.

22 February: We were delighted to welcome members of the Reepham Chamber of Commerce to hear about their work and to tell them about what we do.  Thank you to all those who came: we look forward to working with you in the future.

15 February: Members agreed an outline approach to the Reepham Food Festival which the Club will organise in 2017. The committee will now be talking to other interested parties.

12 February: Our Quiz Night at the 6th Form College raised over £1200 for our charities. Many thanks to all who came and spent their money.

8 February: Newest member Roy Sherlock entertained us with highlights of his career – a history of invention and perseverance – some of which had our ladies wincing at times.

1 February: Alvan Parker entertained and informed us about the history and secrets of beekeeping.  A fascinating evening learning about our buzzing friends.

25 January: MIND has been one of our Presidents’ charities for the last few years. Paul Daynes came to update us on the valuable work that they do and left with a cheque to support them.

18 January: Guy Jackson came to talk to us about the Tear Fund and the work that he will be doing for them with HIV/Aids sufferers in South Africa.  We wish him well.

11 January: Many thanks to Hannah Claxton for a most interesting look at alternative futures in farming. We look forward to the success of her new enterprise.

4 January: A productive business meeting where we talked about helping flooded areas, planning for the future and hosting speakers.  Minutes are in the members area.

21 December: We did silly things under the guidance of the Master at Arms while the ladies had a more sedate dinner over the road. A Merry Christmas to all.

14 December: A splendid festive meal with our partners.  Many thanks to Avril and team for tasty food under difficult circumstances. Thanks also to Hilary for leading carol singing.

7 December: Karen Reynolds talked to us about her extended travels in Russia and China and contact with different cultures.  With the end of Movember, the strange facial hair has been removed from participating members.  They and their sponsors have raised over £1800.

1 December: The Rotary sponsored Youth Speaks tournament at Reepham High School showcased the public speaking talents of students.  More news of an impressive evening here.

30 November:  An interesting business meeting looked at new ways of serving our community and some positive decisions.  Members will find the minutes in their area shortly.

28 November:  With help from the Chamber of Commerce we erected the main Christmas Tree in the town square and the many smaller trees around the square.  All this is in preparation for the Reepham Festival of Light on December 3rd.

 23 November: Great Beaujolais fun despite many members being ill or away – you were missed – but it was great to welcome visitors from Aylsham.  Many thanks to Andrew and team for superb organisation.  Well done to all in fancy dress.  John’s photos are at

16 November: The Visioning Team came along to tell us assistance available to help us plan the future of the Club.  Interesting discussions to come.

9 November: Val and Phil Saunders from St John Ambulance gave us an important and interesting demonstration of basic first aid. Everyone learnt something and the more ignorant of us may be encouraged to sign up for longer instruction.

We heard from Frank Rosenberg – our visitor from the Mesa West Rotary Club in Arizona – who has had to return home for family duties. In his short time with us Frank contributed to club activities in many ways and he will be much missed.

26 October: A fascinating and somewhat chilling talk about the unsolved murder of April Fabb from ex Chief Supt Maurice Morson. The way a girl vanished on a quiet Norfolk Lane was compared to other disappearances where perpetrators had been found.

23 October:  Members will be extending the cycle sheds at Reepham Primary School under the supervision of Gareth Homfray-Davies.  Please arrive at 8am with any useful tools, particularly buckets and hammers.

19 October: Gavin Paterson told us about his charity Yellobric which is providing digital reading materials to boost literacy in African schools. A thoroughly worthwhile cause.  You can see more and donate at

12 October: Roger Bassham from the Norfolk & Waveney Prostate Cancer Support Group gave an interesting talk on the disease and prompted much shared experience.  Those members without experience will now be better informed, if a little unnerved.

This was excellent timing as John Tym then introduced Movember which now has sponsorships extended from  moustache growing to exercise.You can find out more and join the Reepham Rotary team at This year’s target for the club is £1000.

28 September:  A business meeting conducted in exemplary style by Vice President Trevor Nelson who was abandoned by both President and President Elect.  Minutes are posted in the members’ area.

21 September: Carole Samuel spoke to us about the plight of children in Belarus who have been severely affected by the medical and economic results of the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.  New honorary member Frank Rosenberg pledged a donation from his club in Arizona which had been matched by Reepham Club – that total will then be doubled by international Rotary match funding to provide what we hope will be a worthwhile contribution.

14 September: A welcome return by Keith Tovey who spoke about the bombing of Coventry in WW2 and his family’s intriguing connections.

7 September: A fascinating visit to Langham Dome and a look at its history in the air battles of WW2. Well worth a visit.  Thanks to Michael and Stephen for organising

31 August: Another horribly wet day at the Aylsham Showground.  We had some determined visitors, sold plenty of pictures and raffle tickets, but once again the takings will be well down on previous years – both for our charities and the show as a whole.  Nevertheless a good time was had by members and partners who entered enthusiastically into the spirit of things.

24 August:  Mary Howard entertained us with reminiscences of a Norfolk childhood, probably bringing back many memories for those members who can understand the dialect.  

17 August: A businesslike business meeting saw planning well advanced for our art exhibition at the Aylsham Show and a range of charitable donations agreed.  Minutes are posted in the members’ area.

3 August: Another debate led by Paul Smith discussed the problem of migrants trying to reach this country via Calais.  By a narrow majority the meeting decided that the best solution was to let them all in.

27 July: John Pickering gave us his job talk, displaying his passion for engineering. We were well entertained by the team at Bawdeswell Garden Centre

20 July:  Frank Rosenberg bought his friend Alan Salinas who he first met as a Rotary Exchange Student.  Alan gave us an excellent talk on his time on exchange and answered questions on his native Paraguay where he is studying agriculture.

19 July: Many rotarians attended Margaret Tubby’s fund-raiser for the oncology unit at the Norfolk & Norwich.  Splendid lunch, great fun and over £15,000 raised. Well done Margaret, Ivan and many helpers.

13 July: Tony Cowles organised an excellent tour of Blickling Hall, with knowledgeable guides telling us about the history of the building and the people who owned it – followed by an enjoyable supper.

6 July: Thanks to Beverley Cooper we had an interesting talk on how she has followed up the experiences of her father and others after the D Day landings of WW2.

27 June: A very successful 26th Charter Night where an excellent dinner at Stower Grange was enjoyed by all.  Many thanks to all who had a hand in the organisation. John Tym’s photos can be seen here.

Coen van Beuningen handed the presidential reins back to Andrew Egerton-Smith after an excellent job.  He will now have time for even more amazing cycling feats. We trust that Andrew can look forward to a productive and trouble-free year.

22 June: We welcomed Bill Redmayne from District who brought us news of Rotary developments.  We heard the plans of our incoming President and Committee chairmen.  Details will be posted here soon.

15 June:The meeting gave the go-ahead for our Art Exhibition at the Aylsham Show. More news will be posted soon.  With no agenda or minutes, Vice President Andrew decided that we would replace the business meeting with a further debate. It is doubtful whether the Greeks will be worried about our views on them leaving the Euro.

8 June: Steve Griggs started a debate about statutes of limitations in light of the old abuse claims now being brought.  On balance we decided that we did not like the idea of limitations and preferred to trust in the CPS and the judiciary to interpret each instance properly.  Many thanks to Scot Coulter for legal advice.

1 June: Our annual golf tournament was another great success, thanks to Andrew Hadley and his team. A convivial dinner followed the hard work on the course and a good deal raised for our charities thanks to sponsors, participants and members. More details and winners will be posted later. Some pictures from JT  here.

1 June: President Coen cycled 100 miles, from Norwich, round the coast and back.  Well done.  All monies go to the British Heart Foundation. Sponsors please cough up.

18 May: We welcomed Lt Col James Senior, the Commanding Officer of the Light Dragoons who are about to leave Swanton Morley. It was fascinating to hear how the modern army works. We wish the regiment well in their move north.

11 May: Richard Kemp showed off his Octocopter and it’s amazing possibilities for surveys and aerial photography. An interesting demonstration and talk afterwards. Who will be the first rotarian to buy one?

Thanks to John Tym for the new rogues’ gallery above. As you can see we are growing – welcome to the new faces.

27 April: Many thanks to Michael Jones for arranging our bowls evening at Roundwood.

20 April: This was our AGM and business meeting.  Much interesting discussion and plans for the year ahead. Members will find minutes and documents in the private area in due course.

13 April: We welcomed DG Nick Corke for a catch-up on what is going on in the wider Rotary world and a useful exchange of information.

30 March: A packed house heard Patrick Barkham enthusing about our relationship with the coastline. He read extracts from his new book which encouraged many to buy

23 March: Another interesting debate organised by Paul Smith.  With only one dissenter we agreed that immigration is good for the economy of the country.

16 March:Rachael Wright from Norfolk Wildlife Trust came to talk to us about the work of the Trust and their new education centre at Cley.

13 March: A very successful Rotary-organised technology tournament saw Norfolk pupils competing in an engineering challenge. See more here

9 March: Clive Casburn told us about his business in firework displays, with some instructive diagrams and amusing anecdotes.

2 March: Minutes of the business meeting will be posted soon.

23 February: Jim Fraser updated us on his visits to sand dams, the interesting low-tech way to provide year round water in drier regions of Kenya.

16 February: An interesting talk about chocolate and how it is manufactured, thanks to Malcolm Woods of  Kings Lynn Rotary. All the samples seemed to go quickly enough. 

13 February: Many thanks to all who came along to our quiz. Great fun had by all and a useful amount of money raised.

9 February: We welcomed the Ven John Ashe who explained the job of an Archdeacon and the role of the Church of England today – interesting and thought provoking.

2 February: Paul Smith arranged another of our serious debates. After an interesting and occasionally informed discussion we agreed that we thought that the UK tax system is fair.

26 January: So many joined in with Burn’s Night that it was great fun.  Very good haggis, authentic piper, poems, toasts and singing. How do we top that for St George?

19 January:  Minutes of the business meeting will be posted here soon.

12 January: Robert Briggs gave us an interesting insight into the military history of Antigua and what life was like in the navy in the Napoleonic wars.

5 January: Toby James took us through the latest thinking on the outcome of the general election and the reasons behind the rise of strange political parties – much to think about.

15 December: President Coen installed John Pickering as our newest member before we enjoyed the traditional silly games that mark our last meeting before Christmas. The Archdeacon’s paper aeroplane went furthest.

8 December: A very enjoyable Christmas Dinner with our partners with a pleasant surprise in a visit from Hilary and Andrew.  Once again, Avril and team excelled with a splendid meal and a festive time was had by all.

1 December: At our business meeting, Coen van Beuningen was installed as president while Andrew Egerton-Smith recuperates from surgery. The plan is for Andrew to resume his presidency at the end of the Rotary year.   We continue to wish Andrew a speedy recovery and send our thoughts to nurse Hilary.

29 November: An excellent turnout for the annual Christmas tree erection. A splendid large tree and many small ones around the square will form a fine backdrop for the Reepham Festival of Light on December 3rd. Many thanks to our electricians, members and other helpers.  You can see them at work here.

24 November: ‘Allo ‘Allo – Our Beaujolais Nouveau evening went down brilliantly.  Many thanks to Andrew and Peter for organising and Avril and her team for a splendid meal. Most members took up the challenge of fancy dress.  You can see John’s photos here.

17 November: Steve Syer told us about his heart transplant thirty years ago and his work for the British Heart Foundation. The continued need for more organ donors was one of the main conclusions of our discussions.

10 November: At our fellowship evening, John Tym explained the intricacies of accessing Rotary websites and the various electronic reservation and newsletter systems.  Gradually we approach the 21st century.

3 November: Helen Burrows game us an excellent talk on dementia and its various impacts.  Members are encouraged to sign up as Dementia Friends to each make one small difference to this growing problem.

27 October: After an interesting debate the Club decided by a substantial majority that we should remain in the EU despite its many shortcomings – and the French.

20 October: At our business meeting, Paul Smith reported that we had sent £1,100 to Aquaboxes which will pay for 12 life-saving boxes to be sent to disaster areas. Full minutes of the meeting will be in the members’ area shortly.

Alan Collier: We are sorry to report the death of Rotarian Alan Collier after a long and brave fight against cancer.  He will be mush missed and our thoughts are with Marilyn and his family and friends.  Service at Bawdeswell Church at 11.30 am on Thursday 30th October.

13 October: Our ladies joined us for a fascinating evening. We had a wonderful presentation from Mu Gurbutt who told us all about her successes at the Chelsea Flower Show while simultaneously making four arrangements.

6 October: Steve Munns explained to us the intricacies of the Rotary grant system and the work of our Foundation charity.

15 September: We heard Rotarian Hadley’s interesting business history.

1 September 2014: David Zelder spoke to us about writing for a living.

25 August 2014: Our annual art exhibition at the Aylsham Agricultural Show was a great success despite inclement weather.  Takings at £4534 were a little bit down on last year but a magnificent effort – see more here.

18 August 2014: With our partners we welcomed representatives from MIND, The Matthew Project and MacMillan Cancer Care.  They spoke about the excellent work done by their organisations and received cheques from our fund raising last year.

11 August 2014: Members and partners enjoyed a historic walk around Norwich – dodging the showers with our highly knowledgeable guide. Many thanks to Barbara Miller.

4 August 2014: John Lord talked to us about the prehistoric use of flint and then made a hand axe before our eyes.  Fascinating.

28 July 2014: We heard from Dale Curtis of Kickstart, one of our President’s charities for this year.  You can see more of what they do here.

21 July 2014:  At our business meeting it was reported that we have raised  £12,500 in President Robert Buxton’s year for distribution to our charities. Presentations will be made and details published in October

14 July 2014: Members and guests toured the gardens at Blickling Park with an excellent dinner in the house afterwards.  Many thanks to Tony Cowles for organising.

27 June 2014: Members and guests enjoyed an excellent dinner for Charter Night at Stower Grange.  Robert Buxton handed over the President’s duties to Andrew Egerton-Smith. You can see John Tym’s photographs here.

20 June 2104: Our incoming president Andrew Egerton-Smith and committee chairs presented their plans for the coming year.  News of charities, events and activities will be posted soon.

13 June 2014: News has reached us that the funds we sent to Matsangoni in Kenya have contributed to a much needed additional toilet block for the primary school.  We worked with Aylsham Rotary to gain additional District contributions to provide this basic facility which  makes such a practical difference to the school

9 June 2014: Members will find the minutes of the business meeting in their part of the website.

2 June 2014: An excellent golf tournament at Weston Park. Thanks to all those who organised, sponsored and participated. Over £5000 raised – see more here.

1 June 2014: Many thanks to Rita and Robert Buxton for entertaining us in their home and garden.  A great time was had by all.

14 April 2014: At our Annual Meeting the officers and committee chairmen for next year were agreed. Details of minutes will be in the members’ area soon.

24 March 2014: Members heard an excellent talk from David Moar,  founder of the Big C. It was agreed to send £500 to support the brilliant work of the charity.

14 March 2014: Local schools took up the challenge of the Rotary- organised Technology Tournament. Many ingenious ways were found of retrieving a ‘radio active’ object from a distance. You can see photographs by JohnTym here.

24 February 2014: At the Business Meeting, the Club agreed to send £500 to our Rotary Colleagues who are doing good work in the Somerset Levels after the flooding disaster.

7 February 2014: The annual Rotary quiz was held at Reepham 6th Form College.  Thank you to all who organised and took part.  Over £900 was raised.

20 January 2014: Members and partners enjoyed Burn’s Night celebrations arranged by Peter Williams.  Avril and her team produced wonderful haggis to be serenaded by our piper for the evening. We finished singing traditional Scottish songs led by Joss and Andrew.

7 January 2014: We were shocked and saddened by the death on 21st December of Rotarian Kevin Marles; Kevin was also a founder member of Lions and had been their president. At his funeral on 7th January both groups provided a guard of honour at St Faiths where the chapel was full to overflowing showing the regard felt for him.  Our thoughts are with Judy and the family.

6 December: Help is on the way to the Philippines.  The Club has sent £1570 to Aquabox for 11 Aquabox Gold and one Aquafilter Community. The donation comes from the 100 Club – see here for how to contribute.   Over £350 has been raised by collection in the town square and through our justgiving web site.

30 November:  Members erected the Christmas tree in the town square with help from the Reepham Chamber of Commerce.  As well as the main tree, twenty smaller trees with lights were placed on the front of buildings around the square.


The Club meets on some Monday evenings at 6.45 pm for 7.00 dinner at St Michael’s Church Hall.
Rotary visitors are welcome please contact
Members should apologise and book visitors no later than 6pm on Friday only at

Next meeting

On 27 January Simon Cooper will be talking to us about Byzantine History. 

Future events

The Sunshine Memory Cafe meets on 13 February..

Our Annual Quiz will be at Reepham High School on 28 February.  Bookings at